A reinvigorated modern visual language & design strategy creates consistency, confidence & credibility on a global scale.



Project Scope
Branding & Identity

Worked with

AuScope plays an integral role in the management and prosperity of Australian life & the environment by equipping geoscientists with a research toolkit to investigate key geoscience challenges.

Design by Bird was tasked with reinvigorating the AuScope branding & identity, creating a modern visual language and design strategy for AuScope and each of their eight integrated programs. For consistency, each AuScope program shares a consistent aesthetic.

Collaborative workshops with AuScope management team and program leaders provided Design by Bird with a clear launchpad for design thinking. This also provided an understanding of each broader business objective & specific program role, enabling AuScope to launch a new identity which reflects their skills, passions & innovation on a global scale; armed with the brand tools & assets to create consistency throughout future design communications with confidence.

AuScope model